I often find myself with questions about various things regarding wine. I, like most people today, go to google and pray I hit on an up to date source and get a valid answer. Below are some of the questions and the answers I found. Please feel free to add to this. =)
- How do I store an opened bottle?
- Why are you given the cork after a bottle is opened at a restaurant?
- I was recently out with friends at a very nice restaurant. After the bottle was opened the cork was given to the person that ordered the wine. Fortunately for me this person was sitting next to me, so I could ask the question. I was told, the cork is given so the buyer/drinker can tell that it's a good bottle of wine. We ordered a red, she said the bottom of the cork should show color and not bleed up the cork. The cork shape should be like a funnel, small on the bottom, wider on top. And the cork should feel fresh, not brittle or falling apart. I for one will now start looking a little more closer to my corks.
- Rember the 6 Rules for Wine Tastings
- How do I wash a wine glass?
- Dishwasher is ok, but if you are concerned about your stemware breaking, check out this article. All you'll need is: Paper towel, dishcloth, hot water and cold water.
- What is a Malbec?
- Talk to your sales clerk at your local wine store.
- I recently read a blog that contained some great info for the new wine drinker. Please take some time and read this post.